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Juvalta, Sibylle: Speranza, Camilla: Robin, Dominik: El Maohub, Yassmeen: Krasselt, Julia: u.a.: Young people's media use and adherence to preventive measures in the "infodemic": Is it marked by political ideology? [2023]
Balt, Elias: Merelle, Saskia: Robinson, Jo: Popma, Arne: Creemers, Daan: u.a.: Social media use of adolescents who died by suicide: lessons from a psychological autopsy study. [2023]
Hoekby, Sebastian: Westerlund, Joakim: Alvarsson, Jesper: Carli, Vladimir: Hadlaczky, Gergoe: Longitudinal effects of screen time on depressive symptoms among Swedish adolescents: The moderating and mediating role of coping engagement behavior. [2023]
Thomas, Samantha: MacCarthy, Simone: Pitt, Hannah: Marko, Sarah: Cowlishaw, Sean: u.a.: "It is always there in your face." Australian young people discuss exposure to gambling activities and promotions. [2023]
Alqahtani, Saeed Ibrahim: Yafooz, Wael M. S.: Alsaeedi, Abdullah: Syed, Liyakathunisa: Alluhaibi, Reyadh: Children's safety on YouTube: A systematic review. [2023]
Brunner, Romuald: Resch, Franz: Diaetverhalten und Koerperbild im gesellschaftlichen Wandel. [2022]
Lutz, Klaus: Wagner, Ulrike: Medienpaedagogik im Kontext von Mediensuchtpraevention. [2022]
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